1. A first page of a manuscript must include UDC index (align left), given name, middle name and family name of an author, co-authors, a title. The manuscript must contain an abstract up to 400-600 characters including spaces and 5-6 keywords.
2. The title of the article, the abstract and the names of the authors must be done in Russian and English and presented in the beginning of the manuscript.
3. The manuscript must be structured. A standard structure is recommended: introduction, research objectives (including problem statement), results (main part), discussion, conclusion.
4. The text of the manuscript should be provided in printed form and on electronic media. The text must be formatted accordingly: Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing, all margins 2 cm. Pages must be numbered from the bottom right. The volume of the manuscript should not exceed 10-15 A4 pages including figures, table and references or no more than 30 000 characters including spaces. The recommended number of figures is 2-3.
5. Tables are in the body of the manuscript, formatted with 1.5 interval, 11 pt.
6. The numbering of the formulas must be continuous throughout the article and indicated in brackets in ascending order (by numbers 1, 2, etc.) on the right side.
7. Illustrations must be provided in the text of the manuscript in electronic form. In the figures unnecessary parts and inscriptions should be avoided, where all the inscriptions should be replaced by numbers or letters. All the figures must be referenced and explained in the captions or in the text. The lines in the figures should be clear (5-6 pix), the width of the figures should not exceed 140 mm, height 200 mm. The font of letters and numbers in the figures must be Times New Roman (9-10 pt). The figures should be black and white, with different types of hatching (to allow further reduction of the figures).
8. Figure captions are provided in the text of the manuscript, formatted 1.5 interval, 12 pt.
9. The list of necessary references must be in the end of the manuscript with a continuous numbering in Arabic numerals. When using materials from other sources correct referencing to these sources is required. In the text of the manuscript references must be given in square brackets [1]. The bibliographic description in the reference list is given in the following order:
Monography (book): surname, initials of the author (s), full name of the monograph, place of publication, publisher, year of publication;
For periodicals - surname, initials of the author (s), title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication, volume, number, pages.
Bibliographic description in Russian must also be presented in Latin transliteration.
10. After the list of references, information about the author (s) must be given: position, academic degree, title, e-mail or contact phone number.